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Product parameters

Shaft diameter(mm,inch)Seat Component Bearing
size(mm,inch)Install Bolt
Bearing codeModel outside the seatSeat with steel plate cover
Component Bearing Model
With cast iron outer cover seat
Component Bearing Model
size(mm,inch)Carrying weight with seat(kg)
2.6875 UCP216-302D1 3.5 11.5 9.125 3.0625 31/32 1.09375 1.1875 6.875 3.34375 1.311 3/4 UC216-302D1 P216D1 - C(CM)-UCP216-302D1 5/32 - 7.125 5.71875 20 - 29
3.1875 UCP216-303D1 3.5 11.5 9.125 3.0625 31/32 1.09375 1.1875 6.875 3.34375 1.311 3/4 UC216-30301 P216D1 - C(CM)-UCP216-303D1 5/32 - 7.125 5.71875 20 - 29
85 UCP217D1 95.2 310 247 83 25 28 32 187 85 34.1 M20 UC217D1 P217D1 - C(CM)-UCP217D1 5 - 191 155 11 - 15
3.25 UCP217-304D1 3.75 12.21875 9.71875 3.28125 31/32 1.09375 1.25 7.375 3.34375 1.343 3/4 UC217-304D1 P217D1 - C(CM)-UCP217-304D1 13/64 - 7.53125 6.09375 24 - 33
3.3125 UCP217-305D1 3.75 12.21875 9.71875 3.28125 31/32 1.09375 1.25 7.375 3.34375 1.343 3/4 UC217-305D1 P217D1 - C(CM)-UCP217-305D1 13/64 - 7.53125 6.09375 24 - 33
3.4375 UCP217-307D1 3.75 12.21875 9.71875 3.28125 31/32 1.09375 1.25 7.375 3.34375 1.343 3/4 UC217-307D1 P217D1 - C(CM)-UCP217-307D1 13/64 - 7.53125 6.09375 24 - 33
90 UCP218D1 101.6 327 262 88 27 30 33 200 90 39.7 M22 UC218D1 P218D1 - C(CM)-UCP218D1 5 - 204 165 13 - 18
3.5 UCP218-308D1 4 12.875 10.3125 3.46875 1.16666666666667 1.1875 1.3125 7.875 3.53125 1.343 7/8 UC218-30801 P218D1 - C(CM)-UCP218-308D1 13/64 - 8.03125 6.5 29 - 40

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