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Product parameters

External dimensions(mm)Rated load(Single -row)(KN)Rated load(Single -row){kgf}Location of action point(mm)Install related sizes(mm)weight(kg)Bearing codeRated load( Combination form)(KN)Rated load( Combination form){kgf} Combination formLocation of distance(mm)a0 Combination formInstall related sizes(mm)
dDBγ(minimum)γ1(minimum)CrCorCrCorAda(minimum)da(maximum)γa(maximum)(refer to)Single -rowDB combinationDF combinationCrCorCrCorThe back combinationFront combinationDb(minimum)db(maximum)γb(maximum)
775 1080 90 6 3 590 1700 60500 174000 312.7 836 1030 1030 5 274 BA775-1 DB 960 3400 98000 345000 625.5 1044 2.5
760 860 50 4 1.5 256 735 26100 75000 258.8 810 825 825 3 40.1 BA760-1 DB 415 1470 42500 150000 517.7 833 1.5
540 660 56 3 1.1 390 895 39500 91000 201.2 577 633 633 2.5 78.2 BA540-2 DB 635 1790 64500 182000 402.4 639 1
500 600 52 2.1 1.1 310 665 31500 67500 187.7 533 595 595 2 35.1 BA500-3 DB 505 1330 51500 135000 375.3 600 1
500 620 42 2.1 1.1 232 490 23600 50000 182.7 533 595 595 2 29.2 BA500-1 DB 375 980 38500 100000 365.3 600 1
470 570 50 2.1 1.1 310 645 31500 65500 175.1 502 546 546 2 25.3 BA470-1 DB 505 1290 51500 131000 350.2 551 1
460 540 40 2.1 1.1 198 430 20200 44000 164.3 491 517 517 2 15.8 BA460-1 DB 320 860 33000 87500 328.7 522 1
420 760 109 7.5 4 695 1460 70500 149000 302 475 709 709 6 220 7284B DB DF 1130 2920 115000 298000 604.1 386.1 727 3
420 760 109 7.5 4 775 1620 79000 165000 224.8 475 709 709 6 228 7284A DB DF 1260 3250 128000 330000 449.6 231.6 727 3
420 620 90 5 2 550 1070 56000 110000 263.2 460 568 568 4 90.6 7084B DB DF 890 2150 91000 219000 526.3 346.3 597 2

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